This afternoon while taking a walk we visited a grocery. We bought a bottle of wine, cookies, some hard candy, lemon Tang, a couple of oranges, and one or two other things that we thought we needed. We didn't buy a corkscrew. Tom went back for one. Then he spent a goodly time wrestling with the cork, but got it out finally, and we toasted Ellie in Chinese wolfbery wine. The wine was vile.
Ellie continues to fuss volubly if I try to hold her, and she's still clinging to Karen. Karen and I are beginning to wonder whether some of this behavior is manipulative. But if it is, we figure it's better to err on the side of spoiling her for now.
She is becoming more playful. Today she played throw-the-ball with Karen in the hotel room, and played another game with both of us
that involved picking up random items and handing them around. She's also "talking" a bit more.
I had to laugh out loud at the "vile" description of the wine!!!
I have a thought for you on Ellie's behavior towards you, Tom; How many men worked in the orphanage? Were Ellie's primary caretakers mostly women? Is it possible that she's just not used to being taken care of by a male -- if so that may take a bit of adjusting. Just some more things for you to ponder (as if you need any more)!
How's your cold doing, Tom? Have you gotten over the worst of it yet? How's Karen holding up? Is Ellie still being a good little sleeper? (Sorry, just couldn't resist all the questions!!!!!)
Blessings and continued safe journeys to you all!
Where's the pictures? I need pictures!! Lucy preferred me to Jeff for about the first month. Now she is a total Daddy's girl!Don't worry, Ellie will come around.
God Bless
I finally figured out how to leave a comment! I am so enjoying the pictures and the blogs. Each new set of pictures seems to show Ellie settling in just a little bit more! I pray for you all several times a day!
I thought Karen carried a corkscrew every where she went?? She must be slipping. Anyway, I pray many blessings on the rest of your trip. Can't wait to hug that little girl....if she'll let me!
Where's the pictures? Come on guys, its not that we
don't care about you, we already know you. Ellie, we want more pictures of Ellie. I bet you guys can't wait to get home and in a nice stable routine. All this will happen soon enough and then you'll wish you were back in China on vacation.
She's absolutely beautiful, Tom--a real doll. I can't wait for a chance to spoil her in person.
I hope you're getting over your cold and that there are no troubles with Ellie's passport. Give her time and I'm sure she'll come around to you. It won't take long for her to find out what a great guy you are.
Hello to Karen and lots of hugs and kisses to Ellie!
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